Thursday, March 11, 2010

I like Albert

If you want to know more about Albert Einstein, I would recommend this site as a start:

After reading this short summary of his life, my interest and admiration was peaked. I find Albert Einstein a wonderful person. I don't tink of him as great scientist. To me he is creative thinker, and a great human being. He had faults, but he appears to have learned from them. He had fears and troubles, but he persevered through the long years of laboring through trial-and-error research, and working in situations where his hopes and ideas were misunderstood, to discover a way of looking at reality which has influenced the rest of us ever since. I think I would have liked to be his friend, to imagine with him, and enjoy with him, the beauties and mysteries of reality. His enthusiasm for life and its wonders went far beyond those areas we recognize as, science. Among the conflicts of the time he lived in, he was also aware of the importance of human life and human freedom and he frequently spoke his mind, first because people listen to celebrities, and by that time he was one, and second, because he had something worth listening to. I am almost continually amazed by the thing I learn about this incredible man. He was open to expanse of all existence, and when he found something of truth he was humble enough to say he change his mind. I am so greatful to be aware of people who are willing to change themselves for The Good. Long live intellectual truth and moral freedom! The seekers of The True, The Good, and The Beautiful, will persevere in this world and live in the next.

There are some good books about Albert Einstein out there, even an autobiography. Look him up.

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