Friday, August 21, 2015

Continuing the search

Some seek adventure, a sort of wonder-lust as the popular term goes ( or is it wander-lust). Some seek a spiritual high, a sense of life, connection, peace. They go from one religion to another, changing to suit their needs, restlessly seeking a home, a resting place. Most, I think, seek to fill an emptiness, with things, or experiences, or points of pride, to drowned out a truth that is waiting in that silence on the mountain top or echoing Cathedral. I started seeking to fill, but now I see to seek to be empty, or rather poured out, is the way to be consoled. You become a fountain for God, a fountain for Love. You are not the water. But you cannot be a fountain unless you pour out all the water that you have. Whatever you give, more will be given to you, for the God is the water of everlasting life and you are his vessel.
This idea of blessed emptiness has been developing over a long time. It is only now that I am hearing others speak of it.
The catechism of the Catholic Church says "Seek in reading and you will find in meditating" (number 2654) in this I have been blessed. I have always been drawn to study and reflection. I have heard of those who will only believe what someone can convince them of face-to-face. I pray for these people, for few of them seek. For me books have been my pathways, my journey to sort out the troubled thoughts and feelings and begin to live in peace. One book is The Mystery of Art: Becoming an Artist in the Image of God by Jonathan Jackson.