Friday, August 31, 2012

I am sitting here on the floor watching “A Little Romance”. I hardly recognized Sir. Laurence Oliver in the part of the old man, but he is as endearing and as charming as ever. The story is simple, boy meets girl, and the two runaway on a trip to Venice, Italy, with the help of a friend, an old man. Though familiar enough the plot doesn’t have to be any captivating; it is the characters, the boy and girl who keep me watching. Like any Fairytale like story it is not really the ending but the truth of the characters that win a place in our memory. She prefers philosophy books to watching her mother faun over the skills of a young director as he works on a scene. The boy is smart, he is a movie go-er, he also reads books that are not assigned in school. You know these are kindred spirits. At first meeting they trust each other, they talk of how improbable such a meeting is, how they thought there soul-mate could have been in another time or another part of the world, they know, as odd and intelligent as they are, they are lucky to have found one another. Of course, I can’t help but get a little teary-eyed, because this is my fairy tale. I have always felt myself to be the Mary Bennet, the Hermione Granger, the Diane Chambers, the girl who shoots for the stars and talks about everything, and knows she’s the one whose a little outside the loop. A lot of girls must relate to that, I think. The character appears in stories over and over again Anyway, A Little Romance is a movie to watch on a sentimental afternoon, or a rainy day off of work.