Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Praise for: Manual for Interior Souls

Happy New Year Everyone!

Once again a book came my way which, on being read, turned out to be just the sort of thing I (without ever having expressed it) desired. Manual for Interior Souls by Father Jean Grou. I would reccomend it for those who so love the saints and the stories of the saints that they are often are in coversation with these holy men and women who are close to Christ.

Here is an exerpt:

On the True Liberty of the Children of God
"It is a thing which sounds like a paradox, but which is nevertheless true, with a most exact truth, that of all the persons who serve God, those are the most free, indeed it might be said the only really free, who allow themselves to be guided entirely and in everything by the Spirit of God, and whom St. Paul calls, for that reason the children, the children of God.”Those," he says. "who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God."

I wish I could share more, but there is so much which is plainly and beautifully said in this book. This is one to read and donate to your parish library.